Zhao Yanchao
Vice President, Red Avenue New Materials Group Co., Ltd.
In 2008 Obtained a PhD in Materials Science from East China University of Science and Technology
2008.3~2010.2 Worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the National Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering (CNRS) UMR 5223 (Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères) in France.
2010.11~ present, Worked in Red Avenue New Materials Group Co., Ltd., serving as senior R&D engineer and deputy director of R&D successively,now he is the vice president of R&D.
Have more than 15 years’ experience in polymer material research and development, currently focusing on the synthesis and application development of biodegradable materials. Served as a member of the 3rd National Standardization Technical Committee for Biobased Degradable Materials and Products.